Blood and Steel Trailer

Enjoy the exclusive teaser trailer for Blood and Steel!


  • Rosabel Edney: Hello, Are you facing challenges with lead generation and getting enough traffic to your site? Are you open to learning more about it? Well wishes, Rosabel Edney | Digital Marketing Manager Note: - If you’re not Interested in our Services, send us "opt-out"
    3/12/2025 3:03:35 AM
  • TedCip: Hallo, ek wou jou prys ken.
    3/11/2025 3:36:53 PM
  • Rosabel Edney: Hello, Are you facing challenges with lead generation and getting enough traffic to your site? Let me know if you're interested in learning more about what we offer. Well wishes, Rosabel Edney | Digital Marketing Manager Note: - If you’re not Interested in our Services, send us "opt-out"
    3/11/2025 12:08:40 PM
  • Rosabel Edney: Hello, Are you finding it hard to generate leads and attract more visitors to your website? Can I provide you with some additional detailed solutions? Well wishes, Rosabel Edney | Digital Marketing Manager Note: - If you’re not Interested in our Services, send us "opt-out"
    3/10/2025 10:32:40 PM
  • Bill: I'm glad this doc is being created. I feel like Fazzio steel was a thriving company at one point but the things Ive heard about management have me really curious as to whats coming
    3/10/2025 12:27:15 AM
  • On Behalf of a Farmer: Chris Fazzio, Why did you include a copy of my JGK mortgage with my subpoena? Were you trying to intimidate a witness or save money on postage?
    3/8/2025 2:53:39 PM
  • Frankie Carbone: The fazzios are so worried about everyone else , shouldn't they be worried about their wives fooling around with other men all the time ?
    3/7/2025 1:19:31 PM
  • Liz: I worked behind the sales counter at joseph fazzio, I watched Chris Fazzio's daughter steel cash out of the register. You cant tell the boss his daughter is stealing, and I was getting accused of it myself. I just found another job.
    3/6/2025 7:19:46 PM
  • Mr Mex: I used to work for them. Heard some very shady things
    3/6/2025 12:08:17 AM
  • T: Had Nick Fazzio for a neighbor. With his fake grass and law suits. We were glad to see him go.
    3/5/2025 4:36:02 PM
  • Dave : Receive the subpoena from Joseph Fazzio Inc Chris Fazzio do you really think anybody wants anything to do with your bullshit
    3/4/2025 10:17:42 PM
  • Jim: Almost a decade it appears Chris Fazzio is more like a scorned woman then a businessman
    3/3/2025 9:40:52 PM
  • Kim Jong Fazzio and Crew: Looks like 3 more lawyers were added to the roster. Typical Chris Fazzio problem solving: When things aren't going the way you want, just add more lawyers.
    2/7/2025 7:13:56 PM
  • John: If big feet means a large penis, and a big car means a small penis, it's no wonder so many people aren't afraid of Chris Fazzio
    2/6/2025 10:39:49 PM
  • Kim Jong Fazzio and Crew: Be a man about it, use your real name, and lets get this conversation going. I do appreciate you promoting my hooks, they really are fantastic. Family discount, $3 each. But hurry, stock is limited.
    2/6/2025 10:17:57 PM
  • Ron "little guy syndrome": You should buy these for your large steel store. Way better then strut and anchor bolts.
    2/6/2025 2:03:11 PM
  • Lance "The Sausage King": Thanks for letting me not clock out during lunch. # overtime!!!! # free money # Cat grooming
    2/6/2025 1:51:42 PM
  • Jason "The Sicilian" Giloley: Why is the movie called blood and steel and the website is steel and blood? Asking for a friend.
    2/4/2025 6:34:29 PM
  • Jim: That contract is crazy, there no way that is legal
    1/30/2025 4:45:21 PM
  • Allie Jones: excited for this!
    1/28/2025 6:53:04 PM
  • David: If there are two things I love the most, it's blood and steel, this meets my needs most expeditiously
    1/27/2025 11:39:43 PM
  • Blake: Amazing that we're getting a sequel to this movie! Super Excited!
    1/24/2025 6:33:45 PM
  • Leia: Harry, you're my only hope
    1/24/2025 1:38:13 PM
  • Theresa: Incredible - looking forward to it
    1/24/2025 12:49:26 AM
  • Scooter: I got my popcorn ready
    1/23/2025 7:09:51 PM
  • Jonah: Looks Exciting!
    1/23/2025 10:32:17 AM